Images from a small city…

The view from a single window in my home has been my sole outlook over most of the last three years, especially under lockdown, and yet it has been a constant source of inspiration and contemplation.

I’ve photographed it almost every day, tracking the passage of hours, days and seasons, …in light.

These performances seem to be held in the theatre of the sky, the seascape below, hidden behind the scenes, and the land - that familiar auditorium from where we watch the show.

I’ve always been a little obsessed with greenery and plants. How are things in their world?

Wonderfully complicated.

Abstracts are only a different perspective on the familiar.

What do you imagine that you see? How does it make you feel?

Travel gives an opportunity to explore a destination with fresh eyes, to experience new light, texture, colour.

It also allows us to reinvent, re-experience ourselves.